Dog and Cat Pre-Adoption Form

All of the following criteria is required & will be verified before you are considered as a potential Adopter

Please contact your vet ahead of time and let them know that AH Rescue Sanctuary will be contacting them to verify your pet’s medical history

By hitting Submit, I give AH Rescue Sanctuary authorization to contact my vet to obtain the health history on all of my pets.

✓ All Dogs & Cats in household have a history of Annual Physicals

✓ All Dogs & Cats in household are currently on monthly flea & heartworm preventative prescribed by your Veterinarian

✓ All Dogs & Cats in household have been Heartworm tested within the last 12 months

✓ All Dogs & Cats in household are Spayed or Neutered

✓ Cats Only: All Cats in household have tested negative for FeLV/FIV & Feline Coronavirus

If all information is verified by your Vet, you will be contacted. Thank you for your interest in Adopting from AH Rescue Sanctuary!!

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What animal are you interested in adopting?

Your generosity will greatly impact our ability to help more animals in need. Please consider making a contribution of your choice through our donation page. Thank you.